#CensoredGerbil is a very very famous gerbil, now, nobody knows his name right? Yeah, nobody knows his name, so he just goes by CG, Censored Gerbil.

Now, CG gets up to a lot with the rich and famous and shameless. People we all know who they are but we don’t know their names, because the Censored Gerbil keeps it. So, you know, it’s like he has a slogan - doesn’t he have a slogan? - Yeah, ‘Whatever Happens in the Tube, Stays in the Tube’. That’s his slogan, that’s his saying right?

So thats all we know about the Censored Gerbil, but it’s actually a thing!

By @DaarvidRules

Censored Gerbil (physical + 1 of 1 NFT)

Artist: Hueviews
Video: Bananakin
Token ID: 36
Scarcity: 1
Born: 23 May 2024
Released: Episode 50
Author: @DaarvidRules

Censored Gerbil (multi-edition)

Artist: Hueviews
Animation: Bananakin
Token ID: 35
Scarcity: 18
Born: 7 April 2024
Released: Episode 50
Author: @DaarvidRules